

Letter #1: Dear Cleveland, I Love You.

Dear Cleveland,

When I moved back to you after graduation, everyone thought I was crazy. And sometimes I agree.

Each and every time I feel the coldness of your winters penetrating my bones or get whipped in the face with sleet as I walk out of my apartment, I wonder why I am here. I question my decision sometimes when I think about the bliss of living in the year-round sunshine of Georgia or when I miss my family, 800 miles away.

But for every bad thing about you, there are so many more good things.

Lovely Summer days that are perfect for bike rides in the Metro-Parks. Cool Fall evenings, sitting by a campfire and making s’mores. Beautiful, old architecture and very little traffic. Restaurants. Arts. Culture. History.

I hope this blog will serve as a love letter to you, but also as a reminder to me that life is to be appreciated, even in Cleveland. Or maybe especially in Cleveland.


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