

This Time Last Year

I've been thinking about these dear friends lately. It was this month last year that they became Mr. and Mrs. It was also this week last year that I traveled across the country, moved into my apartment, started a new job. Started a new life.

And I can't believe that it's already been a year. A year of transition and change and instability for all of us. But so much learning and growing and joy.

The beautiful girl in these pictures, Mary, is one of three girls who know me and can tell me what I'm going to do or say before I even know it myself sometimes. It's so good to be known and, now that I don't live around these girls, I often miss it.

Life now is different but, when I take time to stop and appreciate where I am, I realize that it is still good. I know more about myself than I did a year ago. I've had so many new experiences this year that I couldn't even begin to list them. And my three roommates are still there for me when I need them. They are still a stabilizing force in my life. And now we've added some husbands to the group, which makes it even better. The more, the merrier.

Love and miss you, Mary and Ben, J and J (and Graham), and E.

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